旋涡管是由耐用的不锈钢和唯一的旋涡管黄铜发生器。没有塑料碎片!10年保修!我们的涡流管可以在高温环境下使用。涡流管是一种用于标准压缩空气供应的设备。空气进入涡流管,将气流分成两部分——一端是冷空气,另一端是热空气,所有这些都没有任何活动部件。旋涡管在“热”端有一个可调节的阀门,控制气流的体积,以及在冷端退出的温度。通过调节阀门,你可以控制“冷馏分”,即从涡旋管冷端出口的总输入压缩空气的百分比。三种尺寸的涡流管,小,中,大。也有24个不同的发电机压缩空气容量。 Temperature range goes from -46°C to +130ºC. The brass generators are interchangeable. There are also two types of generators H and C, the H types used produce maximum refrigeration while the C type it is used to produce maximum cold temperatures (90% of the applications require the H type). We advise to use inlet pressure at 7 Bars. Vortex tube Mod. AIR-M75H Sound level [dB(A 95 dB(A) Warranty 10 years Connection type 1/2” Male Cooling capacities [Btu/h] 5200 Btu/h Material Generator Brass Material Stainless Steel Air consumption [l/min] 2018 l/min Dimensions 278 mm x Ø 54 mm Cooling capacities [Kcal/h] 1310 Kcal/h Cooling capacities [Watts] 1523 Watt