垂直玻璃纤维筒仓由不同的筒壳组成,取决于筒仓的容量。它们的模块化结构优化了物流和运输成本;事实上,它们可以很容易地用卡车、拖车和半拖车大批量运输。Agritech是一家历史悠久的专业生产玻璃纤维筒仓的公司,用于存储各种散装产品,如:粉状和颗粒状的商业饲料;MILKPOWDER;食品;木颗粒;干肥料;石灰石;矿物盐,各种工业产品和更多。必威体育app官方下载Agritech的筒仓很轻,但同时也非常抗机械应力。 They also grant high levels ofthermal insulation for the stored products. A transparent strip inthe body of the silos allows immediate display of the level of thecontained product. Moreover, not being subject to rusting, the silosof Agritech enjoy very long lifespan and they do not require specialmaintenance. Finally, they are easy to assemble and inexpensive intransport.