Aerolift设计定制提升解决方案,以处理所有类型的产品,包括金属板。必威体育app官方下载磁性和非磁性金属均可通过真空安全抬起。思考钢,铝,铜,不锈钢等金属合金。与其他提升系统的真空技术相比,无论负载大小的重量,真空技术都提供了几个优点!非磁性金属通常用链条或夹具处理,结果损坏。真空提升技术提供明显的优势: - 对负载造成伤害;- 使用较少的人力服务器;-No储存所需的垫片或阻塞者。磁性金属通常由磁铁和其他传统系统处理。真空提升技术可以通过以下方式提高效率:(低重量升降机) -Lower capital investment; -No heavy-duty backup power necessary; -No residual magnetism; -Perfect control on the plate to handle; -No spacers or stoppers needed for storage; -Free of magnetic interference and other environmental influences (think of ships compasses and gyros). All Aerolift vacuum lifters comply with the most stringent safety standards. The lifting devices are equipped with controllable safety features. Improving the safety on the working place tremendously.