环保分散型锈蚀转化器含量:1000毫升颜色:奶油保质期:生产后60个月。耐温度:120°C描述可涂覆可涂覆所有商业上可用的面漆系统,3小时后可填充环保,因为分散式涂料可以可靠地停止腐蚀过程,并为额外的油漆工作提供一个优化的应用表面。铁锈转化器渗透到铁锈中,与铁锈发生反应,将氧化铁转化为稳定的、不溶性的、蓝黑色的金属有机络合物。注意不要用水清洗处理过的表面。立即将生锈的转炉表面从油漆上清洗掉。不要在阳光直射下使用,不要在+40°C以上的热表面使用,也不要在有霜冻风险的情况下使用。防止霜冻。设备使用后用水清洗。使用说明是根据我们进行的测试和我们的经验提出的建议;在每个应用程序之前执行您自己的测试。 Due to the large number of applications and storage and processing conditions, we do not assume any liability for a specific application result. Insofar as our free customer service provides technical information or acts as an advisory service, no responsibility is assumed by this service except where the advice or information given falls within the scope of our specified, contractually agreed service or the advisor was acting deliberately. We guarantee consistent quality of our products. We reserve the right to make technical changes and further develop products.