抗霜超声波测厚仪,适用于恶劣天气条件(从-30˚到+50˚С)。钢的厚度测量范围从0.7毫米到300毫米。单晶和双晶传感器均可工作。单晶耐磨换能器S3567 2.5A0D10CL用于测量超声衰减高的金属、铸铁等材料的厚度。抗霜超声波测厚仪,适用于恶劣天气条件(从-30˚到+50˚С)。钢的厚度测量范围从0.7毫米到300毫米。单晶和双晶传感器均可工作。单晶耐磨换能器S3567 2.5A0D10CL用于测量超声衰减高的金属、铸铁等材料的厚度。双晶体传感器D2763 10.0A0D6CL提供点蚀检测和小直径薄壁管道的厚度测量。由于其高对比度的显示,友好的界面和高功能,很容易掌握设备。 Application Express ultrasonic inspection of wall thickness of the boilers and vessels, hull plates and other objects made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as for ultrasonic thickness measurements of the small-diameter metal and plastic pipes (from 20 mm) Thickness measurement of pipe walls, boilers, vessels from metals with surface roughness of up to Rz 160 and curvature radius from 10 mm. Inspection of plastic products can be possible. Detection of pitting corrosion of more than 4mm2 on the internal surface of the pipe. The operator can measure the thickness of pipes with thin walls using double-crystal transducer D2763 10.0A0D6CL.