用于进一步波束成形分析和用于成像模块的附加算法。模块功能:声学橡皮擦:启用消除或隔离声源。高动态范围(HDR):时域的解卷积。通过Sidelobe抑制,为了更好的对比/源分辨率。清洁:频域中的去卷积。相关性分析:相关滤波器和相关函数。删除自相关:消除了麦克风的固有噪声,增加动态范围,是朝向解卷积处理的第一步。差异光谱:呈现两个录像的光谱,组合在新窗口中并减去相应的光谱声照片,从而用作甚至可以显示对测量对象的最小变化的工具。音乐算法,用于更好地定位色调声源,低频范围正交波束成形:声源分析和排名方法。功率波束成形:功能波束成形,渐近波束成形,逆功能波束形成和适应性波束形成,用于抑制侧链和锐化主叶片。 This leads to increased dynamics and sharpness of multiple sound sources. Rotational Beamforming RMS & Max peak: RMS (effective value) is the common method to integrate an interval over a chosen time and create the image. The Max peak method allows to see the maximum values in the acoustic map whenever they have occurred during the calculation interval. Zero Padding: Standard calculation looking for a first impact in case the delay time is too big and the calculated time interval is too short to find impact - Zero Padding deals with this problem.