数控钻床参数特点:该钻床可完成钻孔作业。oxpandmg。铰孔。reammg。开发流程。批量加工适用于中小板、板式、壳式复杂零件及模具。机器基础部分采用spécial铸件。高结构stiffnoss。工作台和导轨表面précision研磨。良好的精度。 Z axis adopts strengthen type of spindle structure significant improvement of spindle geometry précision and radial stiffness Worktable driven by high précision bail screws, précision plastic lead rail control (plastic lead rail friction coefficient is small, the friction force is only slcol • Steel rails 1/3. feeding smoothly without crawling. high sonsitivity. can support and moot the micro food and compensation function requests and so on), under the heavy load sliding lightweight. shifl smooth. accurate positioning. X, Y. Z three axis auto zéro function. the function of automatic tool compensation. CAD drawings of automatic conversion processing program function. The machine has the heavy cutting and cutting overload protoction dovico. tho automatic contrahzod lubrication and high flovv circulation cooling System. X, Y, Z respectively by the three axis stepper motor (or AC servo motor) drive, large torque, high positioning précision. CNC programming is simple, the operation is convenient. practical and reliable (CNC System according to user needs matchmg of different grades of Guangzhou CNC. SIEMENS. 8eijlng wild west brand).