这种坚固耐用的铁路质量的DC-DC变换器利用现场验证的技术来产生所需的输出功率。它是一个成熟的设计,在许多应用程序中都有记录。该变换器是为满足EN50155铁路车辆电子设备的要求而设计的。它接受750Vdc (525V-975Vdc范围)的输入电压,这是轨道交通车辆通常需要的牵引电压,如有轨电车、地铁和轻轨,以及矿山机车。该变换器由三个内部功率模块通过冗余二极管并联组成。这种模块化结构提供了固有的冗余;一个内部模块的故障将导致输出功率下降33%,而该单元仍在2000W的功率下工作。因此,该变换器也可以用作2000W冗余电源。冗余二极管也允许几个单元并联。高品质内置风扇提供足够的气流运行在规定的温度范围内,而不降低额定。 The fan draws air into the unit, which exhausts at the terminal side of the unit. All heat generating components are installed on aluminum heatsink blocks which are thermally connected to the base plate. This also ensures exceptional mechanical ruggedness. Conformal coating provides protection against humidity and airborne contaminants. Full electronic protection, low component count, large design headroom and the exclusive use of components with established reliability contribute to a high MTBF. It is manufactured at our plant under strict quality control.