FlexiLo Maxi大型解决方案对于大型木质颗粒加热系统的大需求成本优化的储物解决方案,50千瓦。环保加热也通过资金和低运营成本节省资金?这可能吗?- 是的,我们的专家为学校,社区大厅和幼儿园等市政设施制定了独特的概念。所以你会为未来做好准备。最大存储容量高达50m³只有一个Flexilo Maxi可以存储完整的坦克卡车填充物。如果您需要更多...,五个筒仓可以作为级联互连而没有任何问题。这使您可以为仔细使用有价值的资源来造成生态贡献。仅在A.B.S.的独家面料。Maxi Silos是由公司创始人开发的独家特殊面料,与织物制造商合作。 Our fabric is dust-tight but breathable, has a permanent electrostatic dissipation and – most importantly – a high level of strength, so you can achieve maximally efficient pellet capacity with a high level of protection. This was also confirmed by the results from the Hohenstein research institute where the strength of our exclusive fabric was tested with a positive result!