FlexGun是一种线性点焊枪。它采用模块化设计,由一个标准炮身与各种X和J/C型炮臂组成。ABB现在提供完整的焊接解决方案。点焊功能包所需的所有硬件、软件和电气模块现已包括在内。完整的产品包括焊枪,Dresspack,水和空气装置,焊接计时器,软件和所有互连电缆。这个完整的包简化了工程,并允许用户购买一个完整的焊接机。-高性能- FlexGun是一款伺服控制点焊枪。它被集成到ABB机器人作为第7轴,提供了改进的焊接质量和周期时间性能。- FlexGun也很坚固,能够在焊条尖端产生高强度的力,用于焊接高强度钢。-完全保护- FlexGun上的不锈钢外壳保护焊枪的内部力学免受焊接飞溅,并消除了昂贵的焊枪袋的需要。 - Easier installation - The FlexGun has been designed to suit the ABB welding robots. This includes the interface plugs and connections to the standard ABB Dresspack. Thus commissioning time is substantially reduced. The FlexGun come with the motor tuned and the Equalization parameters already prepared. The FlexGun becomes a Plug-&-play product. - Maintenance and Spare parts - By using the FlexGun, a customer is able to standardize the welding gun body used in their facility. This makes it possible to keep a single range of spare parts for the complete library of different guns, and results in a saving on spare parts for the customer.