控制面板CP600 CP600控制面板范围与屏幕大小从4.3“到15”提供全面的HMI功能的各种应用。CP600系列由卫生设计的面板以及黑色前型完成。PB610 Panel Builder 600是Automation Builder的一部分,是用于CP600平台的用户界面设计工具。CP600- web范围基于与CP600相同的硬件,而用户界面是由AC500 PLC平台连接的web服务器提供的。CP600和CP600- web七种不同的屏幕尺寸,标准宽高比或4.3 "至15 "宽屏,适用于最多样化的应用。TFT 65536彩色触摸屏,可调暗至黑屏。坚固的铝外壳与IP66前板。以太网接口与交换机,方便布线和舒适的编程。sd卡的记忆扩展,屏幕保护幻灯片显示,备份和安装。1…2个USB主机接口,用于外接键盘、鼠标和sd卡同等功能。 Clock/calendar, backup via rechargeable, non-replaceable lithium battery. Various approvals and certifications. HMI applications: CP600 for PB610 Panel Builder 600 applications, CP600-WEB for visualization of AC500 V2 or V3 web server applications. CP600 Design tool for user interface: PB610 Panel Builder 600. PB610 application stored in CP600 memory. Scalable Vector Graphics SVG, free graphic widgets in large gallery. ABB drivers for effortless integration into e.g. ABB AC500 PLC platform, ABB Drives and ABB Motion controllers.