Loadtronic 3是一款挖掘机动态称重系统。在正常的提升周期中称量桶内的负载。称重可自动启动,也可手动启动。显示屏会显示当前桶中的重量,以及运行总量。此外,还显示了交付的桶的数量。该称重系统可以作为一种工具,以避免超载或欠载的卡车。所有加载都存储在主单元,可以打印收据或转移到PC (USB棒/短信)。客户数据库、物料等可以在办公室PC和Loadtronic 3E系统之间传输(使用u盘)。这些文件可以在MS Office Excel或记事本中查看和编辑。Loadtronic 3E具有备份和恢复功能,可用于校准附件、事件日志和客户、材料、卡车等列表。 An SMS load receipt can be sent to the office as soon as the load is delivered to the truck. After a few seconds the information in the SMS message is displayed as a new line in PCLink SMS office program. Data from the Loadtronic 3/ 3E systems (load lists, database lists, attachments, calibration data etc.) can be converted into ASCII text files for export to e.g. MS Office Excel for further handling: invoicing, stocking etc. PC-Link SMS is a PC program that can receive load receipts from Loadtronic 3/3E systems, and that can send database lists. Loads are displayed seconds after delivery to truck. Each Loadtronic 3/ 3E system are separated by their ID-numbers.