概述OMNI显示系列包括七种不同尺寸的面板 - 10.4“,12.1”,15“,17”,19“,15.6”和21.5“,客户可以在PCAP和电阻触摸屏型号之间进行选择。时尚和强大,面板通过IP65铝制前挡板完成,具有各种电源保护。它们提供12V〜30V直流电源输入范围,OVP,UVP,OCP和逆向电源保护,客户还可以选择接线盒和电源插孔连接. The panels’ rugged versatility is increased by their -10°C~55°C operating temperature range. AAEON’s commitment to user-friendly design means the new Display Box Kit only takes minutes to install, as just three screws are used to fasten the kit – or the alternative CPU Box Kit – to the display panel. The new product gives users access to both VGA and HDMI video interfaces, and built in speakers are available as an option. Applications - Smart City - IoT - Process Control - Smart Factory Features - 21.5” FHD (1920 x 1080) TFT LCD Display - Provide Projective Capacitive Touch or Resistive Touch Screen - IP65 Aluminum Front Bezel - DC 12~30V with Over Voltage/Current, Under Voltage Protection - Optional Built-in Speakers