
型号625超导磁电源功能60 A / 5 V,双极,真4 - 象限输出仪器127型号625超导磁电源0.1 mA输出设定分辨率线性调节最小化噪声纹波≤0.007%的最大电流(进入1mΩ负载))1 mA每小时稳定性并联运行到±120符合低压指令和电磁兼容性(EMC)指令,包括辐射排放要求引入型号625超导磁电源是小于中小型的理想供应高灵敏度材料研究应用中使用的大小超导磁体。型号625是较大,一个尺寸适合所有,超导磁体供应和通用电源的无限适应性的实用替代方案。通过限制输出功率,湖岸能够专注于最苛刻的磁铁用户的性能要求。由此产生的型号625提供高精度,低噪音,安全性和便利性。磁力测量的精度通常定义为具有高设置分辨率和低漂移的平滑连续操作。在驾驶挑战载荷的同时实现这些目标,例如超导磁铁,需要一个独特的解决方案。Model625以5V的标称顺应电压提供高达60A的可提供50A,供应充当源或源极4个操作。具有模拟控制的电流源输出架构可以平稳操作和低漂移。 A careful blending of analog and digital circuits provides high setting resolution of 0.1 mA and flexible output programming. www.lakeshore.com Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. (614) 891-2244 Lake Shore chose linear input and output power stages for the moderate 300 W output of the Model 625. Linear operation eliminates the radiated radio frequency (RF) noise associated with switching power supplies, allowing the Model 625 to reduce the overall noise in its output and the noise radiated into surrounding electronics. Safety should never be an afterthought when combining stored energy and liquid cryogens in a superconducting magnet system. The Model 625 incorporates a variety of hardware and firmware protection features to ensure the safety of the magnet and supply. For improved operator safety, the power supply was also designed for compliance with CE mark safety requirements, including both the low voltage directive and the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) directive. Instrument users have come to rely on Lake Shore for convenience and ease of use. The Model 625 includes the features necessary to conveniently manage a superconducting magnet, such as a persistent switch heater output, calculated field reading, current ramping, and quench detection. Computer interfaces are also integrated for automation of the magnet system. The Model 625 is truly an excellent one-box solution for controlling a superconducting magnet. fax: (614) 818-1600 e-mail: info@lakeshore.com
真正的四象限输出能力的625型是理想的充放电循环超导磁体无论是正的和负的场。4象限输出的紧密集成模拟控制提供平滑的电流变化与非常低的输出变化超调。625型有能力充电和放电磁铁高达5 V率。真正的四象限操作无需外部开关或操作员干预…
625型输出电流内部通过键盘或计算机接口编程,外部通过模拟编程输入,或通过外部和内部设置的总和。对于更流行的内部编程,型号 625集成了专有的数字模拟转换器(DAC),在整个输出范围是单调的,并提供分辨率为0.1 mA。远程禁止输入允许外部设备立即设置输出电流为零,以防故障....
625型超导磁体电源读数输出电流分辨率0.1 mA精度±1 mA±0.05%的读数更新速率2.5读数/秒显示,分辨率100µV读取精度±1 mV±0.05%更新速率2.5 reads /s显示5 reads /s interface远程电压(在磁铁引线处)分辨率100µV精度±1 mV±0.05%的读取更新速率1.25 reads /s输入电阻>50 kΩ Connector Shared 15-pin D-sub Persistent Switch Heater Output…