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- RS-485伺服驱动器
{{#each product.specData:i}}{{name}}:{{value}} {{#i!=(product.specdata.length-1)}}}
{{/ end}} {{/每个}}
{{#each product.specData:i}}{{name}}:{{value}} {{#i!=(product.specdata.length-1)}}}
{{/ end}} {{/每个}}

力量:250 W - 7,500 W
Current:2 a - 16 a
Output power: 0.25 kW - 7.5 kW
...用于快速加速。通过灵活的配置,在独立或模块化版本中,Digitax HD允许完全控制伺服电机,通过四个控制开环永磁电机和异步电动机......

力量:100 W - 250,000 W
Current: 1 A - 120 A
Output power:0.1 kW - 250 kW
。。。power-off position is not lost. Brochure and Manual: https://驾驶。google.com/驾驶/folders/1yKvUti18hgU-to2GomQSv-VmCQScApYY?usp=sharing More details: https://www.veichi.org/伺服.html.

SD710伺服开车调试上层计算机升级;兼容17位/ 23位绝对编码器;实现自动参数调整;升级硬件和结构,尺寸较小;SD710系列......

力量: 7,500 W - 110,000 W
...电动液压驾驶。5. AC220V / 380V / 480V多种类型可供选择,适应各种电气环境。6.压力和流量doubleclosed loop, vector weakening PID, fast response, ...

力量: 100 W - 7,500 W
Current:1 a - 24 a
...适合需要高速响应的应用。★驾驶menu, control interface, parameter modification and write operation are consistent with the Panasonic A5 series伺服驾驶。

力量: 50 W - 500 W
。。。machine types such as high-friction, belt-driven machines or machines with low-friction ballscrew驾驶。Figure:开车类型球screw驾驶腰带 ...

力量: 50 W - 5,000 W
。。。machine types such as high-friction, belt-driven machines or machines with low-friction ballscrew驾驶。Figure:开车类型球screw驾驶腰带 ...

Current: 1 A - 20 A
......任何无刷伺服电动机and is optimized for combination with the SSAX seriesBest regards. ine wave B.E.M.F. & current SpeederOne.1 interface and control software卢比232 PC端口卢比232 ......

力量:2,400 W.
Current:2 a - 16 a
无刷驾驶powered directly from a 230Vac single phase mains, for motors up to 11Nm. A truly flexible standalone驾驶for all伺服要求。它紧凑且可靠,理想的...
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