- Catalogs
- Packing - Handling - Logistics>
- Storage>
- Pressure vessel for the food industry
Pressure vessels for the food industry
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... nickel, copper, aluminum, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt etc and their alloy materials. 4.Pressure: low-pressure, medium-pressureand high-pressure. ...
Taishan Group Tai’an Boao International Trade Co.,
MaxPressure- 100 MPa Product Range - Max diameter - 10m - Max weight - 600tons - Max thickness - 400mm Materials - Carbon steel - Low-alloy ...
Taishan Group Tai’an Boao International Trade Co.,
TeralbaIndustriesis a market leader inpressurevesselfabrication, offering a combination of design engineering and manufacture that meets an array ofindustryneeds, ...
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