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- Polyurethane spray
Polyurethane sprays
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Size: 1,000 ml
......通风良好的房间或露天。适用于弹性体和塑料的限制,例如由EPDM,氯丁橡胶制成的材料,polyurethane, silicone, fluoroelastomers. We recommend therefore that you check the resistance ...
Akfix Fast 70 MegaPuGun Foam is a single-component, professional type, gun applicable聚氨酯foam. Cures swiftly with air humidity. Features higher volumetric yield, fast curing, reusability and easy application. ...
Size: 500 ml
Saratoga FOAM CLEANER dissolves freshpolyurethanefoam and provides in-depth cleaning of extrusion gun interiors. Use: Using the appropriate adaptor, screw the Saratoga FOAM CLEANER cylinder onto the gun collar. Slowly ...
Stoner E236 Urethane Mold Release is specially formulated as a release agent and anti-stick lubricant for molded urethanes. A light coating produces best results. E236 provides fast, easy part removal from molds and multiple part releases ...
Stoner Incorporated
Textured Effect Enamel acrylic based. High Adhesion on plastic supports (ABS, hardpolyurethane, polycarbonate, polyester with fi breglass) – Fast Drying and good resistance to weather conditions. Colour: Grey.
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